Device Overview

The EtherTek RMS I2C add-on board was designed for use with I2C sensors and other devices that communicate over an I2C bus.

EtherTek RMS-I2C ADD-ON Board

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The RMS I2C add-on board serves as an interface between the RMSv2 UART expansion port and I2C-bus; this allows the RMSv2 board to communicate directly with other I2C-bus devices using an SC18IM704 UART to I2C bridge IC. The SC18IM704 operates as an I2C-bus master. The SC18IM704 controls all the I2C-bus specific sequences, protocol, arbitration and timing. The RMSv2 communicates with the SC18IM704 via ASCII messages; this makes the control sequences from the RMSv2 to the SC18IM704 become very simple. The RMS I2C add-on board has built in pullup resistors that can be enabled by installing a jumper on the JP1 header pins. Remove the jumper to disabled the built in pullup resistors.

Read more about the SC18IM704 UART to I2C bridge controller IC here.

Setting up the RMS-I2C ADD-ON Board

Make sure the power is disconnected from the RMSv2 board. Insert the RMS-I2C add-on board into the expansion socket on your RMSv2 board. Make sure that the green header on the RMS-I2C add-on board is closest to the outside edge of the RMSv2 board.

RMSv2 Expansion Port      EtherTek RMS-I2C ADD-ON Board Top View

Make sure that all the pins on the RMS-I2C add-on board are inserted into the expansion socket on the RMSv2 board and that there are no pins hanging over the edge of the expansion connectors at the front or back. Make sure that the RMS-I2C add-on board is fully seated into the expansion socket on the RMSv2 board. Once you have confirmed that the RMS-I2C add-on board is correctly inserted into the expansion socket on the RMSv2 board, you may power on the RMSv2 board.

Testing the RMS-I2C ADD-ON Board

The RMSv2 board communicates with the RMS-I2C add-on board via serial.

The serial data format is fixed: one start bit, 8 data bits, and one stop bit. After reset the baud rate defaults to 9600 bit/s, and can be changed through the Baud Rate Generator (BRG) registers on the SC18IM704.

To verify communication to the RMS-I2C add-on board, log into your RMSv2 board with SSH. Use the built-in nanocom program to send a test command to the RMS-I2C add-on board. The test command to send is uppercase VP. The SC18IM704 chip on the RMS-I2C add-on board will immediately respond with SC18IM704 1.0.2 as shown below. Note: there is no space between the VP command and the output from the SC18IM704 chip on the RMS-I2C add-on board.
RMS-100v2 example:
[root@RMS-100v2: /root# nanocom /dev/ttyS1 -b 9600 -p n -s 1 -d 8 -f n -e l
Press CTRL+T for menu options
****************************************Line Status***********************************************
9600 bps 8 Data Bits n Parity 1 Stop Bits n Flow Control l echo

VPSC18IM704 1.0.2

Programming the RMS-I2C ADD-ON Board

Before any code can be written, a test circuit is needed. To test reading and writing from the RMS-I2C add-on board we chose a 24LC256 EEPROM Memory IC in a DIP package. The diagram below shows how to wire up the test circuit on a bread board.

RMS-I2C to 24LC256 wiring diagram

Things of note:

Python Example Code

The Python programming example can be found on your RMSv2 board at /code_examples/RMS-I2C/python/ When the program is executed it will open the serial port, set the baud rate to 9600, write out TEST to page 0 address 0, and then read back what was written.


# (C)2023 EtherTek Circuits LTD
# Basic Python serial Communication test for RMS-I2C add-on module
# using a 24LC256 I2C memory device.

import serial, time
#initialization and open the port

#possible timeout values:
#    1. None: wait forever, block call
#    2. 0: non-blocking mode, return immediately
#    3. x, x is bigger than 0, float allowed, timeout block call


ser = serial.Serial()
ser.port = "/dev/ttyS1" #RMS-100v2 uses ttyS1
ser.baudrate = 9600
ser.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS #number of bits per bytes
ser.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE #set parity check: no parity
ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE #number of stop bits
#ser.timeout = None    #block read
ser.timeout = 1        #non-block read
#ser.timeout = 2       #timeout block read
ser.xonxoff = False    #disable software flow control
ser.rtscts = False     #disable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control
ser.dsrdtr = False     #disable hardware (DSR/DTR) flow control
ser.writeTimeout = 2   #timeout for write

except Exception(e):
    print("error open serial port: " + str(e))

if ser.isOpen():


              byte_cnt=6 #we will be sending 6 bytes in total
              #write the word TEST to 24LC256 page 0, address 0                 T     E     S     T
              payload = I2C_START_CMD + bytes([i2c_write_addr, byte_cnt, 0, 0, 0x54, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54]) + I2C_STOP_CMD
              ser.write(payload) #send the payload to the SC18IM704 chip on the RMS-I2C add-on board


              #read data, first set the read address to page 0, address 0
              byte_cnt=2 #we will be sending 2 bytes
              payload = I2C_START_CMD + bytes([i2c_write_addr, byte_cnt, 0x00, 0x00]) + I2C_STOP_CMD
              ser.write(payload) #send the payload to the SC18IM704 chip on the RMS-I2C add-on board

              byte_cnt=4 #we will be reading 4 bytes in total
              payload = I2C_START_CMD + bytes([i2c_read_addr, 4]) + I2C_STOP_CMD
              ser.write(payload) #send the payload to the SC18IM704 chip on the RMS-I2C add-on board

              time.sleep(.5)  #give the serial port sometime to receive the data

              response = #Should return TEST
              print("\nread data: " + response.decode() + "\n")


        except Exception(e1):
              print ("error communicating...: " + str(e1))

              print ("cannot open serial port ")

Our Story

EtherTek Circuits started its business in 2001. Ever since we have provided remote monitoring and control solutions for Remote Tower Sites, the Oil & Gas industry, Telemetry systems for Agriculture, Municipalities, Mines, Solar Farms, Hydro Plants, and the Military.

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19131 33rd Avenue,
Surrey, B.C. V3Z-1A1 CANADA

+1 (604) 576-8333